Update 1.0 - Road to Gameplay

You know how up to now, most updates only included relatively small features, like movement or visuals.
This time around, I got something pretty serious up my sleeve!


  • Procedural Terrain Generator
  • Biome Generator
  • Tree Generator
  • General Saving System
  • Terrain Saving System
  • Player Saving System
  • "Title Screen" Map

Once you play the new Version, you'll spawn in a new area I'll just call the "Title Screen" from here on out. This scene will later by used to change your settings, select a savegame or anything else regarding this matter.

Currently, only a single savegame is possible, though this will be changed soon enough.

In the title screen, you'll then be able to start your game, if there is no save, you'll automatically create a new one. Saves aswell as Screenshots are saved in your /Appdata/LocalLow/Arkeyan Games/Forest of Freedom folder. From there on out you can start playing the game as much as you want, once you'd like to leave, simply press "Esc" to save your map and close the game. Hope you have a pleasent stay!


1.0.zip 40 MB
Jun 12, 2023

Get Forest of Freedom

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